Welcome to Day 2 of the 4 Week Core Harmony Challenge

Embark on the second day of your fitness journey with an invigorating blend of exercises designed to enhance your core strength, improve cardiovascular endurance, and target multiple muscle groups. Today’s workout routine is meticulously crafted to keep you moving and challenge your body in new ways, ensuring that every step you take on this path leads to a stronger, more harmonious core.

Day 2 Workout: A Symphony of Movement

Prepare to elevate your heart rate and engage your core with a dynamic mix of High Knees and Lying Leg Raises, followed by the muscle-building Knee Pushups. Transition into the Bear Crawl for a full-body challenge, and then step into Supported Lunges to fortify your lower body. Your shoulders will find their rhythm with Arm Circles, and Butt Kicks will keep the energy high. Wind down with the soothing Cat Cow stretch before powering through with the Shoulder Press to complete today’s circuit.

The Interval-Based Circuit: Pacing for Peak Performance

Our Day 2 routine follows an interval-based circuit format, with each exercise lasting a robust 30 seconds, followed by a 20-second rest period. This structure is designed to maximize your workout efficiency, allowing for both high-intensity effort and crucial recovery time. It’s the perfect balance to keep your heart pumping and muscles working optimally throughout the session.

Core Harmony: Your Path to a Balanced Physique

As part of the 4 Week Core Harmony Challenge, Day 2’s workout is more than just a series of exercises; it’s a stepping stone towards creating a balanced and harmonious physique. Every move you make is a deliberate stride towards enhanced core stability, improved posture, and overall physical well-being.

Let’s Get Moving

Remember, consistency is key in this four-week endeavor. Embrace today’s workout with determination and an open mind. Your dedication on Day 2 will pave the way for the transformative experience that awaits you in the Core Harmony Challenge. Let’s get moving and make today’s workout a triumphant note in your fitness symphony!


Day 2 of 4 Week Core Harmony Challenge

Prior to commencing your workout, it's essential to incorporate a brief warm-up routine. Spend around 5 minutes either doing some brisk walking in place or strolling around your house.

This pre-workout warm-up helps prepare your body for exercise, increasing blood flow and flexibility to reduce the risk of injury and enhance overall performance.

4 Week Core Harmony Challenge

Equipment Suggestion

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Circuit 1-  Do the circuit 3 times

1) High Knees for 30 Sec


  • Start in a standing position, feet together, arms at your sides
  • Raise your right knee high in front of you and quickly switch, bringing your left knee up
  • Continue alternating knees in a fast, running motion, pumping your arms in a backward and forward motion to help lift your legs
  • Continue raising your knees as high as possible with each step, keeping your back straight
  • Keep your head up and focus ahead
  • Complete 20 to 30 repetitions


Rest for 20 Sec

2) Lying Leg Raise for 30 Sec


  • Lie flat on your back with your legs fully extended.
  • Place your hands by your sides, palms flat on the ground.
  • Engage your abdominal muscles and lift your legs off the ground a few inches.
  • Avoid raising your legs too high, as they should remain closer to the ground.
  • Pause for a few seconds in the raised position.
  • Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise for 10 to 15 repetitions.
  • Rest for a few seconds between sets.


Rest for 20 Sec

3) Knee Pushup for 30 Sec


  • Start in a high plank with your arms extended directly under your shoulders.
  • Bend your elbows and lower your body towards the floor, while keeping your eyes focussed ahead.
  • Pause when your chest is close to the floor, making sure your elbows are tucked close to your torso.
  • Then slowly push yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Lower your knees to the floor, and repeat the same movement again.


Rest for 20 Sec

Circuit 2-  Do the circuit 3 times

4) Bear Crawl for 30 Sec


  • Begin in a kneeling position with your arms extended parallel to your shoulders and your knees under your hips
  • Engage your core, keeping a neutral spine throughout the exercise
  • Lift your hips and walk your hands in front of you to transition to a plank position
  • Keeping your core engaged and your arms extended, initiate the motion of the bear crawl by taking a small “step” forward with your left arm and right leg simultaneously
  • Bring your left knee in and forward while bringing your right arm backward and in at the same time
  • Repeat the motion of walking forwards, alternating arms and legs with each step for desired number of reps
  • To finish the bear crawl, perform the same motion in reverse, returning to starting position


Rest for 20 Sec

5) Supported Lunges for 30 Sec


  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your hands on your hips or stretch them out in front of you.
  • Bend your knees and lower your body down, keeping your back straight.
  • Pause when your front leg forms a 90-degree angle and your back knee is close to the floor.
  • Push off your front leg and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the opposite leg.


Rest for 20 Sec

6) Arm Circles For Shoulders for 30 Sec


  • Stand up straight with your arms at your sides.
  • Reach your arms straight out to your sides and extend them until your arms are parallel with the floor.
  • Rotate your arms in small circles, making sure that your elbows remain unlocked.
  • Continue doing small circles in one direction for 10-15 repetitions.
  • Once you have completed the desired number of repetitions, switch directions and do the same number of reps in the opposite direction.
  • Once you have done the desired number of arm circles for one side, switch arms and complete the same number of reps on the opposite side.


Rest for 20 Sec

Circuit 3-  Do the circuit 3 times

7) Butt Kicks for 30 Sec


  • Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart.
  • Start off with a warmup jog in place to get your muscles loose.
  • Kick your right heel to your butt while keeping your left leg straight.
  • Alternate between kicking your right and left leg back towards your glutes.
  • Keep your torso upright and swing your arms to help propel your kicks.
  • Focus on breathing, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
  • Continue for 30-45 seconds.


Rest for 20 Sec

8) Cat Cow for 30 Sec


  • Stand in a mountain pose, with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips, and your spine erect.
  • Inhale as you arch your spine, tilt your pelvis forward, and gaze up.
  • Exhale as you round your back and tuck your chin in towards your chest like a cow.
  • Inhale as you raise your head up to look forward and tilt your pelvis back as you arch your back.
  • Exhale as you tuck your chin in towards your chest and round your back like a cat.
  • Repeat the sequence for 10-15 times.


Rest for 20 Sec

9) Shoulder Press for 30 Sec


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Hold the weights at shoulder-height, with your elbows slightly bent.
  • Press both weights directly overhead, making sure to keep your elbows slightly bent.
  • Lower the weights back down to shoulder-height.
  • Repeat for desired number of reps.


Rest for 20 Sec

Cool Down and Stretching

After completing your workout, it's crucial to follow up with an effective cool-down routine. Take a leisurely 5-minute walk around to gradually lower your heart rate and help your body recover. Alternatively, you can opt for static stretches to release muscle tension and improve flexibility.

This cool-down phase is essential for reducing post-workout soreness and promoting a sense of well-being, making it an important part of any exercise regimen.

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